You are your baby’s expert (not google)
You are your baby’s expert (not google) When I was a new parent I was determined to be the best, most informed parent I could be. So I grabbed a book that caught my eye about putting babies to sleep. As I read it I started to feel terrible…I was doing...
This parenting thing is hard
When my oldest daughter was four she had a full blown temper tantrum in the aisle of a grocery store. We are talking lying face down, hands flailing, screaming. I did what parenting books taught me to do. I walked away and pretended to be more interested in the pasta...
How to rock the Birth Partner role
Going through labour can be the most empowering but challenging process a person can experience. Rarely is labour predictable, and there is no such thing as a “text book” labour. I like to explain to clients that labour is “the most important thing that you have the least amount of control over.” But in the midst of the uncertainty, having a person by your side providing labour support can feel like a lifeline.

Happy International Day of the Midwife!
Happy International Midwives Day!
Since it is International Midwives Day I am unashamedly going to toot our own horn, and tell you what I love about midwives and what we do.

How do I decide how long to stay in the hospital after my baby is born?
Your baby is born, you fed her while your partner fed you. The family popped in, and fed you some more. Now your midwife is asking whether you’d like to go home or stay in the hospital for your first 24 hours. What should you do?